Traditions Montessori offers a Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten program for ages 3 through 6. Our primary program offers children the ability to move freely in the classroom from one activity to another. Children learn by doing. The concrete materials in the classroom allow the children to explore the world with their senses as well by exploring, observing, and engaging with others. One main feature of our program is our hands-on approach to learning. Students work with specially designed materials, manipulating and investigating until they have mastered the lesson. Teachers guide students through the curriculum as children are ready for each new challenge, introducing lessons and letting children practice what they have learned. As children grow, the classroom materials grow with them in the sense that older children use the materials to explore curriculum in new and deeper ways.
Due to our classrooms being noncompetitive, our children are able to develop a strong sense of personal values, as well as respect for one another. Children of mixed ages work and play together. They teach each other which allows every child to develop at their own pace. The curriculum is organized into five sections of self-directed activity for the child’s discovery:
Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Mathematics, Cultural Studies. In addition, the children enjoy experiences in Spanish, yoga, music, art, and gardening.
The Kindergarten Year:
Kindergarten, the culminating year of the Primary cycle, provides a great opportunity for 5 and 6 year olds to develop their leadership skills. Kindergartners act as positive peer models for their younger classmates, assuming positions of responsibility that further strengthen their own capabilities and self-esteem. Everything that children have learned in previous years comes together in Kindergarten, giving children a readiness to meet new challenges. Kindergartners enjoy a five full day program at our school.